Tis the Season! Staying positive when dealing with divorce and custody
The few short weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day can be joyous, hopeful and celebratory... also frustrating and a bit stressful.
From legislative alerts to tips and tactics, the attorneys of Williams Family Law regularly share information and insight on legal issues they see every day. Our Frequently Asked Questions page is also a great place for answers and information. Of course, the best place for answers for your unique situation is a one-on-one discussion with one of our experienced family law attorneys. Contact our office to set an appointment at your convenience.
The few short weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day can be joyous, hopeful and celebratory... also frustrating and a bit stressful.
All of the attorneys at Williams Family Law are participating in the Pennsylvania Bar Association's Lawyers Saluting Veterans program.
When presented with a custody dispute, it is important to know that the court has a firm standard and an unmovable bottom line: the best interests of the child.
Neither marriage nor a prenup is something that should be entered into lightly. Here's what you need to know about the latter.
Yesterday, federal judge John E. Jones, III ruled that Pennsylvania's marriage laws violate the United States Constitution, and that same-sex couples who seek to marry in Pennsylvania may do so.
The story of a young woman in New Jersey suing her parents for private high school tuition and a weekly stipend has parents across the country wondering, "Can my child sue me for support?"
Divorce, like the seasons, has a cyclical nature. But spring is on the way.
While there's no need to file for a "legal separation," as there's such thing in Pennsylvania, it is important to determine your actual separation date for a variety of reasons.
The attorneys and staff of Williams Family Law, P.C. want to take this opportunity to wish all of our clients, fellow attorneys, friends and colleagues a happy and healthy New Year.
The good (or possibly bad) news is that the courts in Pennsylvania will agree that you can't share custody of a pet. In fact, Pennsylvania divorce law basically says Fido is more or less a piece of property.
Comparing one matrimonial matter to another person's case can often lead to unrealistic expectations.
Divorcing without the benefit of legal counsel is, to coin a phrase, "penny wise and pound foolish."