A typically quiet week at court was busy this year with a higher-than-usual number of divorce filings, according to recent news reports. The week before Thanksgiving ushered in unprecedented numbers of divorce cases, possibly due to the pandemic, said the story.
Couples usually wait until January to file for divorce so that they do not ruin the holidays. The pandemic lockdowns may have played a role in changing this trend. A restricted social life and forced time together could magnify issues between a couple. In addition, since typical holiday activities—from traveling to visiting with family—are curtailed, couples may feel there is no reason to have to wait.
As a result, the week before Thanksgiving was filled with virtual court appearances and motions to file for divorce. The additional filings came as a surprise to many at the courts.
If you are seeking a leading Bucks County divorce attorney, or if you have questions about custody issues or divorce in Pennsylvania during the coronavirus pandemic, we can help.
Call us at 215-340-2207, or email info@bucksfamilylawyers.com.