There’s a growing trend in the United States for babies to be born out of wedlock, according to an article in the New York Post. Unmarried parents now account for 40 percent of births, as compared to 10 percent in 1970.

The statistics reported in the article came from a new UN Population Fund Study, which chronicles global fertility trends. While European countries like France and Sweden surpass America in out-of-wedlock births, America has seen this trend grow steadily for the last five decades.

The study also noted that “most births outside marriage are to unmarried couples living together rather than to single mothers,” which speaks to the need for a legally binding contract to protect and provide for all parties involved. Such cohabitation agreements can safeguard your rights in the event of death or the end of the relationship.

If you have questions about domestic partnerships, cohabitation agreements or divorce in Pennsylvania, we can help. Contact Bucks County’s family law firm at 215-340-2207, or via email at